Tuesday 13 July 2010

Modern Science Is Rubbish

Modern science is entirely a capitalistic venture now. It has an establishment that is wedded to neoliberal ideology at the expense of varied democratic discussion, adaptability and social conscious.

Ironically, the ultimate casualty of this process is its own much vaunted Scientific Method.

Modern science is full of contradictions. Gravity- which modern science does not at all understand- it cannot, otherwise we would be whizzing round in anti-gravity machines [or at least the blueprints would exist by now]- for example, is to all intents and purpose observable as an instantaneous phenomenon. Yet modern science states categorically that the speed of light cannot be exceeded. You cannot, by modern science's own strictures, have the possibility of both states occurring at the same time.
At the core of modern science- a central tenant since the Enlightenment- is that all things must be quantifiable and a measurable force attributed to the actions of matter. Gravity of course escapes the [artificial] rigours of this self-imposed constraint to the pursuit of knowledge. Gravity exerts a force, without expending any energy whatsoever. It is a constant, perpetual force, if it were not so, the planets would fly from the orbit of the sun as soon as that energy was burnt up or even, if there was a disruption to that energy source. This obviously does not happen, even when a star dies. There are clearly fundamental forces at large in the Universe that modern science cannot begin to understand, yet it believes that the Big Bang is the only viable solution to explaining the beginnings of the universe. Hmmm.

One thing is clear. Modern, establishment science has shown it is so limited in scope [and dare one say intellect] that it has allowed itself to be straight-jacketed by systems and dogma; it can only provide models for the universe around us through equations, abstract constructions and computers. To explain phenomena it cannot explain, it invents unproven, quasi-scientific concepts such as Dark Matter and Neutrinos which are in fact, when rationally considered, as super-natural in essence as the concept of a Higher Power.

The actual understanding of even the most fundamental phenomenon such as gravity is beyond modern science. It just cannot get its head around it within the cerebral constraints it imposes upon itself. As such modern science, its adherent scientists and the Scientific Method are not in a position to- nor have the authority to- state categorically that spiritual and metaphysical forces are not an integral part of the universe. The 'Age of Reason' is in fact the most laughable of misnomers; at best it may of put our understanding of the natural world around us back hundreds of years. At worst, it may very well destroy us.

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